For I have chosen him so that he will command his children and his house after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just.
Gen 18:19 (HCSB)
When I teach a seminar on a particular subject, I usually create a listening guide to help everybody keep up. I like to use a simple design with lots of blank space so the participants can make additional notes in the margins. If you can put the key in the form of a powerpoint, even better! That gives you the opportunity to be creative with backgrounds, fonts etc.
Here is a seminar I like to teach about the Marriage Covenant. Feel free to use it in your church. Then email me and tell me how it went.
The Key is below, and the Listening Guide is to the Right. After copying it, put it in the best format for your event, but be sure to leave plenty of space for the answers!
The Meaning of Covenant
Covenant means “Between”
(Connection Illustration)
Blood meant Life
Cut a Deal
(Biblical illustration/David and Jonathan)
The New Covenant
Faith and Trust
Whole Person
The Marriage Covenant
(Own Vows) (Ring)
Marriage Covenant
(You may insert your own ways here, but these are mine—JB)
(Personal Illustration)
Adopting a Covenant Lifestyle
(Personal application and illustration here)
(Personal illustrations to close)
Understanding the Marriage Covenant
The Meaning of Covenant
The word “Covenant” in the Bible means “B_____________.”
In ancient times when you wanted to enter into covenant with someone you would perform a ceremony that symbolized all that the relationship would entail. At the culmination of the ceremony the principal parties would sacrifice an animal or cut themselves and mingle their blood as a sign that you were sealing the deal. In fact, the phrase “C______ a D_________” came right out of this same imagery. Why? They knew that B__________ meant L_________. (Powerful stuff!)
A covenant sealed by the blood of the participants could not be broken and would sometimes last not only for their lives, but for G_____________. After the “cut” the scar was the tangible proof that anyone could point to and remind you of your covenant. This is reason that the circumcision scar is so important to the Jews, It was proof that they were God’s chosen.
Time and time again the children of
Israeldrifted away from their covenant responsibility, but God always remembered His side of the covenant, and forgave his children the same way we would forgive our children if they disappointed us.
The New Covenant
One day God told the Prophet Jeremiah, “The time is coming, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah …I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be my people…for I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more.” Jeremiah 30:31-34
This “new covenant” is the same one Jesus spoke of in Luke 22:20! “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”
In every divine covenant there are always three characteristics that seem to stand out.
And all three of these are given U_____________________! The catch is that God wants our F___________ and T___________ as our part of the covenant. One of the great characteristics of a covenant is that it doesn’t just touch a part of your life (such as a skill) a covenant covers the W____________ P____________.
The Marriage Covenant
Because marriage is a promise that it takes the whole person to fulfill, it is the last type of covenant relationship that society still respects. And marriage is a covenant. The marriage ceremony is a picture of the covenant. Think back, were vows taken? Write them here : _______________________________
Was any symbol of unity and love given?
So the family is based on the M____________ C___________________.
Thus the greatest gift you can give to the rest of your family is to make your marriage covenant stronger.
Here are some ways that you can make your family stronger through understanding the covenant.
Adopting a Covenant Lifestyle
The covenant lifestyle is a “H_________________” lifestyle.
This means that the covenant doesn’t just affect part of you, it affects all of you. In today’s society we are all about making divisions. For example you probably have your “church friends” but you also may have your “work friends.” How many different segments is your life divided into?
Covenant must transcend all division. Adopting a covenant lifestyle means having the C_______________ to have Jesus as the center of your life and allowing all parts of our lives to experience Him through us. God must be at the center of:
“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35
Copyright 2009 Baptist Dad. All rights reserved.